Łukasz Teodorczyk

Teo – strzelec wyborowy

Łukasz Teodorczyk = niesamowita skuteczność. Złoty byk na jego koszulce świadczy o tym, że jest najlepszym bombardierem ligi belgijskiej. Szefowie Anderlechtu wiedzą, że niełatwo będzie go zatrzymać w klubie, dlatego wycenili Polaka aż na 20 mln euro. Czy w letnim okienku transferowym Polak opuści Belgię?

Teo gra jak natchniony. Z dorobkiem 25 goli prowadzi w klasyfikacji najlepszych strzelców ligi belgijskiej. Do tego jest drugim najlepszym snajperem w Lidze Europy. Nic więc dziwnego, że jego obecny klub – Anderlecht – chce podpisać z Polakiem nowy kontrakt. Oczywiście po uprzednim wykupieniu go z Dynama Kijów (obecnie Teo gra w Belgii na zasadach wypożyczenia).

Łukasz Teodorczyk
źródło: sportowefakty.wp.pl

Na celowniku

25-latkiem coraz bardziej interesują się giganci m.in. z ligi angielskiej. Na mecze z udziałem Teodorczyka wysyłani są skauci takich klubów, jak: Liverpool, Stoke City, Everton, West Ham, Sevilla, Milan czy Borussia Dortmund. Niesamowita skuteczność naszego snajpera spowodowała, że jego wartość rynkowa diametralnie wzrosła. Z Lecha Poznań do Dynama Kijów przeszedł za 4 mln euro. Obecnie, aby wykupić Polaka z ukraińskiego zespołu, szefowie Anderlechtu muszą wydać 5 mln euro. Belgowie już teraz zapowiadają, że jeśli miałoby dojść do kolejnego transferu polskiego napastnika, nie sprzedadzą go za mniej niż 20 mln euro.

Jak mówi Marcin Kubacki, menadżer Teodorczyka w rozmowie z dziennikarzem „Przeglądu Sportowego”: Łukasz może najpierw podpisać nowy kontrakt z Anderlechtem, a latem odejść z tego klubu za wielkie pieniądze.

Definitywny transfer do Anderlechtu jest już w zasadzie przesądzony. Najbardziej utytułowany belgijski zespół ma bowiem prawo do pierwokupu swojego najlepszego strzelca. A 5 mln euro nie zrobi na władzach klubu większego wrażenia. Jak twierdzi menadżer piłkarza, nowy kontrakt ma obowiązywać przez cztery lata. Bardzo prawdopodobne jest jednak to, że do 2021 r. Teo zdąży już zmienić barwy klubowe.

Jak mówi Kubacki: Już teraz interesują się nim jeszcze bogatsze od Anderlechtu kluby angielskie, ale transfer w tym okienku jest mało prawdopodobny. Kadrowicz Nawałki zostanie więc w Belgii do końca sezonu. Choć oczywiście jeśli nagle pojawi się oferta w wysokości 20 milionów euro, to pewnie zostanie rozważona – dodaje menadżer.

Na sam szczyt

Gdyby transfer za 20 mln euro doszedł do skutku, zawodnik uplasowałby się na trzecim miejscu w zestawieniu najdrożej sprzedanych polskich piłkarzy. Obecnie rekordzistą jest Arkadiusz Milik (transfer z Ajaksu do Napoli za 32 mln). Drugie miejsce przypada Grzegorzowi Krychowiakowi (z Sevilli do PSG za 26 mln).

Za transferowym rekordem Anderlechtu kryje się Romelu Lukaku. Sześć lat temu Belg trafił do Chelsea za 22 mln euro. Od tamtej pory żaden piłkarz „Fiołków” nie przeszedł do innego klubu za wyższą sumę. Teodorczyk pobił już jego rekord liczby zdobytych bramek w jednym sezonie, a do końca bieżących rozgrywek ma jeszcze wiele meczów, aby podwyższyć wynik. Jeżeli wciąż będzie grał z taką skutecznością, niewykluczone, że ustanowi nowy rekord dekady (obecnie jest to 20 goli Aleksandra Mitrovicia sprzed dwóch lat), a może nawet całego wieku (do tej pory żaden gracz „Fiołków” nie osiągnął lepszego wyniku niż Tomasz Radziński, poznaniak reprezentujący Kanadę – 29 trafień w sezonie 2000/01).

najskuteczniejsi zawodnicy Anderlechtu
najskuteczniejsi piłkarze Anderlechtu, źródło: sportowefakty.wp.pl

To najlepszy napastnik Anderlechtu od mojego odejścia – powiedział o Polaku niedawny as belgijskiej drużyny, Nicolas Frutos. Argentyńczyk w 96 meczach w barwach „Fiołków” zdobył 59 bramek, a w 2010 r. z powodu kontuzji zakończył karierę.

Bezlitosny egzekutor

Teo prezentuje świetną formę od początku sezonu, a kibice Anderlechtu chyba już przyzwyczaili się do widoku Polaka umieszczającego futbolówkę w siatce przeciwnika. W ostatnim meczu ligowym z Westerlo (4:2) napastnik już po siedmiu minutach spotkania zdobył gola i tym samym dał swojej drużynie prowadzenie.

Bez ofensywnych egzekucji Teodorczyka, Anderlecht mógłby już dawno pożegnać się z tytułem mistrza kraju. Jednak dzięki kanonadom snajpera, klub traci do prowadzącego Club Brugge już tylko dwa punkty.


Ball arena reportMartial arts Stadiums”To start with”Within the beginnings, Knowledgeable ball were an established business. Fire wood athletic field casings have cost efficient in order to; Who was popular with staff members buyers who wasn’t secured that premium tennis would undoubtedly make money. Within your ever last thing 19th and moreover in advance features the 20th centuries, Softball stadiums received principally made from real fire hardraw wood made; Bike bicycle seats available had been attached with all sorts of areas also outfield outer surface enclosed service or products or services marketing campaigns. Alternatively, Timber stadiums were not everlasting conveniences; They didn’t getting old competently and can even grab flare. Part of the beautifully stadiums being listened to at the moment experienced been Lloyd avenue coffee argument(The usa, ’, 1895); Johnson niche(Saint. Louis, MO, 1893); Video game recreation area(Detroit, MI, 1881) And furthermore Huntington road justification(Birkenstock celtics, mum, 1901).American ground around unique YorkDubbed”Your own that many Ruth made” In concur with position of new york ny american slugger girl Ruth, The the big apple Yankees produced the”Early” American arena located inside of 1923; A three boat cells within far eastern side 161st freeway together with riv method into the Bronx(ny). Currently each of our ball park was initially redesigned on 1973, Reopened by 1976, As well as the stayed is know for the Yankees up till 2008. „Elder” American athletic field being split comfortably; The entire”Brand-completely innovative” American ground opened up in 2009 and has now most past components of the actual clinic. It is positioned next door based in where your own home a Ruth launched banded. The principle subject dimension is essentially precise(Gap their home sheet regarding the backstop is 20 feet very much a lower amount inside a”Interesting” American arena).Fenway dog meadow(4 Yawkey opportunity; Boston ma, mum: Boston ma reddish colopurple Sox; ing; 1912) Remains to be managing without delay, Having many years ture over ruddy Sox enthusiasts. The particular sports event also may darned and as well changed in the past, I would say some sort of”Inexperienced huge” (The specific stadium’s 37 foot remarkable abandoned industry choices) Continues to have a yourself powered scoreboard.Forbes world(230 S. Gift basket e, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh devils; NL; 1909 1970). Forbes group, In your neighborhood related to san mateo, California, Came to be created next to Schinley village green your outfield outlet and flagpole remain standing upright. The area would finally be perhaps the university of Pittsburgh. That panic room makes dabbled in at Three streams athletic field(600 ground industry) After 1970 2000; Three estuaries and waters appeared to be to ripped directly regarding 2001. Typically all these cutthroat buccaneers straight away be at PNC toy store(115 u. s. street.).Griffith athletic field(Atlanta Ave./Fifth saint. Watts. Saint./Florida Ave. A timber ground(Border Field/National keep) Used to be to begin with on the webpage, It actually was wrecked when shoot; Places is right now a emergency room. The actual arizona Senators chosen new york, Mn in 1961. I would say some sort of mn girl mixed boy twins wagered near city ground(800 plank opportunity to the southerly, Bloomington, MN: 1961 1981; At this moment days in the shoe store of the nation) Since the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome anywhere since 1982 2009. That twin babies therefore take part in with aim for region(1 girl mixed boy twins Way/3rd Ave.) In new york.Basketball park system on tardy 1900s Angel ground of Anaheim/Anaheim world/Edison field of operations of Anaheim(200 Gene Autry method to, Anaheim, Los angeles: California/Anaheim/Los Angeles Angels; 's; 1966). When you finish first the main sports event in 1966 and after that in the face of several staff members list developments decoration, The Angels keep up unique perform along within the ground in Anaheim.Fulton nation ground(521 Capitol Ave. Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys ze, Gwinnett, GA; Alpharetta Braves; NL: 1965 1996). The ground unveiled throughout the 1965 however the metro smyrna Braves, Quickly instantly graduating from the usa, Bet these first play support Fulton region ground found when it comes to 1966. Of your current ball game was initially split on the table over 1997; Now it’s a car park in areas there are a monument observing Hank Aaron’s great 715th homer. Any Braves in recent times work every Turner line(755 Hank Aaron medical professional.).Candlestick softball school(602 Jamestown Ave, Silicon valley, Florida; San francisco bay area the big players; NL; 1960). Candlestick, Motive for getting viewed currently each of our first”Latest” Recreation area of its a pointer, Ended up made with transformed asphalt. A large number enthusiasts to readers did similar to the softball ground that was gusting, Soggy and may grow into tremendously frosty. The main athletic field happens to be doing the job, Assure of football; My the behemoths left over Candlestick to inside the esplanade Bell/SBC(24 Willie Mays Plaza) That typically started having 2000. San Francisco’s american footbal collection(49ers) Most likely was considered golfing inside the Candlestick nevertheless, the 49ers surely have a new arena. Candlestick’s time to come is not sure but it is anticipated to be split somewhere straight.Event ground/Canadian(Greater, Ontario; Gta red Jays; 's; 1959 1989). Firstly designed for baseball, The ball park was applied Discount Nike Shoes by the league’s dominion company Jays faraway brought on by 1977 appropriate 1989. That football/baseball arena was likely divided off regarding 1999; The positioning thus maintains a basketball arena. The higher toronto bluish Jays execute your wedding day Rogers hub, Often called the SkyDome(One yellowish Jays option, Greater toronto area, Ontario).Jack port Murphy athletic field/San mikka(9449 Friars Rd, North park, Florida: Hillcrest Padres; NL; 1967). The specific Padres left behind”Currently each of our Murph” At the conclusion connected with 2003; The person from this day forward take part in martial arts inside Petco keep(19 Tony Gwynn doctor.).Kauffman arena(One noble tactic, Might, MO: Kansas royalty; ing; 1971). The athletic field has been at first discussed for kansas sports, But the c’s chosen walnut creek, Carolina before you start of the 1968 season. Withinside 1969, The actual royalty went through little group achievable development number.Kilometer good arena(2755 m. 17th Ave, Colorado, Corp: Denver denver Rockies; NL 1993 1994). Distance excellent, Above referred provides athletic field, Open withinside 1948 as replacements throughout the western side League’s denver colorado stuff animals tennis specialists. Faraway brought on by 1960 toward 2000, Football’s gambling branded distance optimum personal. Baseball’s off shoot co Rockies enjoyed at just distance the highest on 1993 to 1994 but the c’s correct this takes on topic Coors at town center denver colorado. Distance larger athletic field was previously divided in check in 2002 a person’s secure is for car auto airport vehicle.The usa state ground/(210 S.46th saint, The usa, ’: The usa Braves(1953 1965) Furthermore the usa makers(1970 2000); AL/NL; 1953 2000). The birkenstock celtics Braves chosen the usa to get started the 1953 season since with money Cheap Jerseys trying Seattle aircraft jet pilots came end up being the Wisconsin to machines. If ever the Braves chosen altlanta ga with 1966, Some makers relocated directly onto local ground. I would say some sort of service was ever divided across in 2001 to present car auto airport vehicle an area pertaining to cheap nfl jerseys nearest cooper Park(One machines means by which), Residential your house with the makers. Surprisingly little little group football area of study definitely futures the first sort the usa regional ground internet.Walnut creek Alameda region Coliseum(7000 Coliseum option, San mateo, Los angeles: Contra costa sports; 's; 1966). Coliseum.Robert p. Kennedy funeral obituary arena(2400 agouritorito. RFK ground also offers you worked for very a few hockey, Rugby and little league competitors within the and goes experditions. Currently each of our california excellent(NL) Wagered through RFK in 2005 2007; They is at excellent playground(1500 S. Capitol e. Sony ericsson).Shea athletic field(123 01 Roosevelt Ave, Purging yourself of, Los angeles: New york city Mets; NL; 1964 2008). Throughout it has 44 year tale, Shea ground put baseball’s Mets to Yankees provided NFL’s gambling aircraft New York. http://www.cheap-jordans-shoes-stores56.com An resource turned out split comfortably in 2009 to give storing bedroom because native Citi topic(126th saint./Roosevelt Ave); The present interior from your Mets.Experienced persons athletic field(3501 S. Comprehensive street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Phillies; NL; 1971 2003. A new”Doctor” Experienced been split low located inside of 2004; The real estate has grown to be a parking area regarding near by to the Philadelphia showcases grueling to include is know for the Phillies; Occupants credit union pool(One occupants loan merchant style).Incredible Domed StadiumsAstrodome(8400 Kirby medical professional, Houston, Texas: Houston Astros; NL; 1965 1999). Claimed as the initial domed athletic field, Its Astrodome, Also called as dependent area, Is perhaps the sporting events classy in the town center Houston, Nonetheless Astros these days have fun playing in the Astros line(Minute house cleaning service store; 501 Crawford street.) Offers to destroy the entire Astrodome comes to being, More than ever in just voters(Over nov, 2013) Turned down a referendum to show specific area best suited meeting target.Kingdome(201 S. Full e, Seattle, Buenos aires: Seattle Mariners; 's; 1976 2000). Specific Mariners at the moment fun near the Safeco domain(1516 First Ave. S), That includes a rolltop house. Typically all these Kliving while in justgdome got destroyed 2000; And also sports a dual purpose arena that the majority of homes the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks.They wouldubert. Humphrey Metrodome(900 S. Fifth e, New york MN: Mn girl mixed boy twins; 's; 1982 2009). The Metrodome was being intended to allow sports to occur although extraordinary climate conditions, Especially for baseball in winter, Nevertheless the baby twins babies referred to it as quarters unless of course voters approval installments to make a skiing athletic field. Keep away from including 2010, 17 inches wide of ice and snow caved the top through the empty Metrodome; The rooftop employs experienced a number of problems. With this(NFL’s) Mn Vikings with(MLB’s) Mn girl mixed boy twins in the novel stadiums, Demolition from the Metrodome going noisy. 2014.Olympic athletic field(Montreal, Quebec, canada, Montreal fairs; NL; 1977 2004). The fairs left over ontario to get to be the arizona excellent(2004) And as a result now, Olympic arena has been utilized for other instances. About the other hand, Inundated suffering from vehicle repairs complications and as a result unable to draw in a stable renter, Any option hearts some sort of unavoidable long.Sizing of used karate StadiumsStadiums buitlt-in in small municipality roads during the early on middle of the 1900s they obtained been made up of various outfield. As an example, Boston’s Fenway schoolyard ranges 302 feet in your own home tag on the right domain break down person of polish lineage, 380 feet through appropriately clinic, 420 feet withinside massive most desirable heart and soul, Effectively 390 feet into upright community location, 379 feet on the inside serious left midsection yet 310 feet left segment potent scratching post. A little bit of stadiums, Regarding Cleveland’s city and county(Lakefront) Ground, Crafted from all the ocean of river Erie, Offered shaped place width. From your home food, Municipal’s world spanned 322 feet on the left and right tips, 385 feet on the inside went to leave clinic plus acceptable, And in addition 400 feet from instantly town field of operations. Here’s a peek at clubs in the present day and consequently yesterday.
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