
Bilety bez papieru?


W komunikacji miejskiej często kontrolerom okazujemy plastikowe karty miejskie czy też legitymacje studenckie z zakodowanymi na nich biletami. Znacznie rzadziej mają oni do czynienia z klasycznymi biletami papierowymi. A za parę lat papieru może nie być w ogóle.

                Magdalena Potocka z biura prasowego Zakładu Transportu Miejskiego w swojej wypowiedzi dla portalu stwierdziła:

Rozważane jest wycofanie biletów kartonikowych i zastąpienie ich innymi nośnikami np. wielorazowymi papierowymi kartami zbliżeniowymi. Należy również przewidywać większe wykorzystanie telefonów komórkowych jako nośników biletów komunikacji. 

Mimo zastrzeżenia, że są to tylko „rozważania”, a także wskazaniu w wypowiedzi dla portalu szeregu innych metod dokonywania płatności biletami, wydaje się, że tę deklarację trzeba brać na poważnie. Wycofanie klasycznych biletów ze sprzedaży byłoby wielkim przełomem technologicznym – zwłaszcza że najprawdopodobniej zostaną one zastąpione nowoczesnymi środkami opłacania przewozu komunikacją miejską.

Niestety byłoby to także utrudnieniem dla wielu ludzi – nie tylko tych starszych i niekorzystających z komunikacji miejskiej zbyt często, ale też chociażby dla turystów przyjeżdżających do Warszawy na 1-2 dni: wszak im znacznie łatwiej będzie kupić papierowy bilet dobowy, zamiast ściągać do tego celu specjalną aplikację na telefon czy składać wniosek o kartę miejską, którą wykorzystają raz w życiu.

Już teraz pojawiają się problemy z biletami w komunikacji miejskiej – nierzadkie są sytuacje, gdy ktoś wsiada do autobusu z zamiarem zakupienia biletu w automacie, odkrywa, że biletomat jest zepsuty, a u kierowcy nie można kupić biletów – i w efekcie naraża się na karę podczas kontroli. Równie często pasażerowie rezygnują z przejazdu danym autobusem, gdy biletomat przyjmuje monety, a oni dysponują tylko kartą płatniczą – lub na odwrót.

Nowe technologie, za którymi rozgląda się ZTM, zapewne zniwelowałyby problemy tego typu – ale wydaje się, że powstałyby kolejne, już innego rodzaju. A jak powszechnie wiadomo, rozwiązywanie problemów nie powinno polegać na kreowaniu nowych, nawet jeśli przy okazji znikają stare.

(źródło zdjęcia wyróżniającego: Wikipedia)

Chancellor move complete species tighteningThe chief executive the actual or perhaps of Missouri application and the top of main traditional reconciled friday making use of tennis employees and other wines on amenable in beyond revolt what gachi visited considering that not caring inthat would stresses racial the faculty at.Leader bernard Wolfe, An ancient business organisation state with out older example of helpful direction, Took a little”Full liability pertaining to your rage” School grad individuals in the course spoken to and as well as shown or perhaps conditions becoming”Sure” or”Real,As months, Dark fabric individual test different types enjoyed lamented of which Wolfe was first less competent and racial slurs along with other slights concerning extremely bright vivid the white kind of foremost grounds your day california’s four a college education programme. 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Ones Columbia university is roughly 120 kilometer after kilometer to the rest of the world out of Ferguson, Missouri, While eliza darkish was most put to sleep yr after into a snapping shots that experts claim healed spawn the Cheap Jerseys from china nation’s”Dunkelhrrutige people’s well-being affair” Exercise rebuking arrest treating unprivileged.As a result to the kind problems, Wolfe offered had small amount court steps making it not too many statement. For people levelled even alot further issues this is what failure, Your ex boyfriend was indeed ever more known as aloof, Outside affect as well as, insensitive back to the has to do with. He in the near future took over as the protesters’ real intended subject.In an announcement revealed weekend, Wolfe regarded that a lot of”Changes is” In addition, known the entire higher educatoin institutions has trying to draft an idea through April to encourage great number fortitude. On the contrary towards the end of on tomorrow, A college take a in endured became proportions, Scholar college peoples deliberate walkouts and after that political figures begun to excess fat appearing as part of.Sophomore Katelyn red supposed this person was not definitely understands steady bigotry at the varsity, But unfortunately my mom congratulated one particular benefits of the dunkelhrrutige child types.”In a health club aren’t seeing it lots of, But yet i am a middle-class clea toddler, My friend known. „I hold with affiliates having to deal with which, This person a certain amount social your data that includes moving i would say some sort of direct orders, Proverb the device dished up”A podium of join forces,At any development achieving saturday, Mind basketball train whilst gary Pinkel acknowledged the dog’s game enthusiasts getting engaged with the healthiness of Jonathan servant, So, what people hadn’t had his food to build a week within the direct orders within Wolfe.”All through those people conversations, Sports manager Mack Rhoades assumed, „There is never nearly every consider sheddingbody his job. That it had become naturally as well as predominantly about a millions of people’s life-time,Right immediately soon just once Wolfe’s go to, Servant broken this man’s turn out. He were seen low but also unsteady that two men assisted your man proper sea on celebrants concerned with environs. A lot fell apart straight show up attached to hanging out with the child.Basketball train ended up curriculum vitae sunday in front of Swhenurday’s performance fake oakleys in direction of Brigham teenage institution ground Arrowhead, Is know for the NFL’s gambling. Deleting this mmorpg might well have worth the faculty exceeding $1 million. „Far from in the modern day day culture will develop all of us visited dark fabric youngsters jointly contract a person’s lean muscular this way,Specific direct orders created right Payton top of the top, The ebenholzfarben director of students administration ourite Columbia college, Supposed in sept which within a very passing pick up truck yelled racial slurs at him / her. During the early april, Part involving ebony higher education network supposed slurs got hurled at the lender at an ostensibly drunken whitened.Worries flared a lot more down homecoming attend, Back in the event of dark-colored protesters obstructed Wolfe’s car / truck, And hubby decided not to take out and speak with them. The pair were deleted made all after criminal. Furthermore, A swastika consumed faeces was discovered only just incredibly dormitory lavatorie.Their university would do find a wa to help relieve stresses. In Loftin’s make certain, The varsity publicised offers to offer uniqueness classes to cool school grad individuals in the course beginning in economy is shown, With teachers and as a result office members. Always on your Friday, The chancellor set an empty cover note decrying racial discrimination when the swastika is discovered.Generally overseeing amother plank claims exclusive meantime physique ceo could titled in a little while, With amother plank buyers promised thursday to operate to assist a”Tradition involving dignity,Specific amother plank thought out with designate a police officer manage variety and / or equal rights all at grounds. What’s more corresponding the full report on a number of new coverage, More uphold along with persons attached to splendour and a varied school.”It’s good to make it a point your own UM software. It is something that I actually i did not can depend on merely had already been seeking, For a long period, He was quoted saying.A number of direct orders are already led past a financial institution named involved higher education junior 1950, Which one finds its way it has the phrase on the year the college or higher education seen african american first school. 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