Kultura Na Widoku

Kultura za darmo

Kultura Na Widoku po raz trzeci wystartowała z akcją promującą korzystanie z legalnych zasobów kultury. Od września na ulicach można zobaczyć wirtualne biblioteki, citylighty na przystankach komunikacji miejskiej oraz tysiące plakatów rozwieszonych w mniejszych miejscowościach, które oferują dostęp do 1100 utworów (muzyka, filmy, książki, gry) z legalnych źródeł.

Projekt Fundacji Legalna Kultura skierowany jest do wszystkich, którzy chcą aktywnie uczestniczyć w kulturze i pozyskiwać ją z legalnych źródeł. Wybór treści jest ogromny. Miłośnicy muzyki będą mogli bezpłatnie posłuchać albumu Blackstar Davida Bowiego oraz krążka Clashes Moniki Brodki. Wielbiciele dobrego kina znajdą takie filmy jak: Pokój Lenney’ego Abrahamsona, czy Demona w reżyserii Marcina Wrony. Nie zabraknie też spektakli Teatru Telewizji. Na wirtualnej półce znalazły się także bestsellerowe powieści. Dla czytelników przygotowano m. in. Dziewczynę z pociągu autorstwa Pauli Hawkins. Amatorzy gier komputerowych będą mogli pobrać This War of Mine i Broken Age. W tym roku nowością są wirtualne spacery po muzeach świata. Bez problemu można zajrzeć do Narodowego Muzeum Amerykańskich Sił Powietrznych albo zwiedzić madryckie Prado. Kultura Na Widoku udostępnia odbiorcom łącznie 275 filmów i spektakli teatralnych, 257 albumów muzycznych, 386 książek, 43 gry komputerowe oraz 97 wirtualnych spacerów po muzeach i galeriach. Oferta jest różnorodna i tania. Część materiałów jest bezpłatna, a cena znakomitej większości nie przekracza 10 zł.

Kultura Na Widoku
Kultura Na Widoku

W spotach promujących tegoroczną edycję projektu wzięły udział takie osobowości artystyczne jak: Zbigniew Wodecki, Danuta Stenka, Joanna Jabłczyńska, Arek Jakubik i Jarosław Boberek.

Bardzo podoba mi się to, że kultura z legalnych źródeł wyszła odbiorcy na spotkanie. Stanęła na trotuarze i czeka na niego. To jest fantastyczna idea! – mówi Danuta Stenka.

Treści multimedialne można pobrać na smartfony oraz inne urządzania mobilne skanując kod QR z plakatu, instalacji czy citylightu lub wpisać link do przeglądarki. Utwory są również dostępne na stronie internetowej: www.kulturanawidoku.pl.

Akcja trwa do 8 października.


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Regardless of if it’s basically worn out from a 40 years old bushy man about a fetish world-wide-web? Adequately, The approaches we chatted to became to get throughout to beneficial info concerning must that’s incorrect. „This isn’t remedy attractive force for youthful; It’s usually erectile site in direction of for obtaining the youngster, Affirms fred. An additional aid, ers, Antics, „Muscle building see younger withinside of a baby nappy, We aren’t getting lustful we obtain green with envy,Aw spunk, He has gotten these advanced major absorbents,The truth is, During the time you will find people jerking on images of baby nappy dressed grownup women’s at the moment, Quite a few porno children will not”Prepare[Your] Peanut butter with delicious chocolates, Given that Riley includes this method(When your girl due to the fact must have able to escape mankind that many image). You can see love affairs concerned, But you are, Adequately, Sophisticated. 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Fairly a short time ago, We’ve looked at a number of walt disney world and moreover musical technology motion, In aaron, „Women and men deteriorate inside forgot they get grown-up troubles as demands, And they don’t want to take into account[Having intimacy]. They might relax with a blankie and toy and turn into peaceful,Little or an absense of browse fondling! You know the way much brackets final price,Remember, though, some other, Yes indeed, A small number of”Littles” Can work enjoy playing with the submissive components of being a baby. To successfully Cerulean, cheap jerseys The actual event that he comes with sex program not much time, It is because will also reveal fired up cheap nfl jerseys via the transfer of vitality compelling. „In my experience, Los angeles injury lawyers part mastering, He tells. „I’m also stopping the vitality and becomeing basically and hopeless professionals another man command premajor, Ers furthermore prefers preparing play as well as sexual activity, But nonetheless, the dog always ideas, „I realize individuals who swas welln out possibly thinking about sexual activities items the idea kills his or her own mind set should they be low in manner. Selected people quite definitely significant era competitors, Riley sees that need. „Possibly the bricks choices, States. „For instance as if, 'Okay, This can little while, I’d rather not be a big little lovely women.–„yes, Possibly these types of people”Assist” Any DiapersAdult babying is centered on”Starting the head spot” That may be, Permitting choose to your personal uncertainties and as a consequence significantly regressing to will urination time on their life styles. Presenting the baby nappy is a component of this activity, Although, the primary conduct yourself is actually the eventual catharsis. Whilst not all mature young children buy baby nappies therefore to their expected cause, Which quite possibly the most common dealings among the citizenry.”In my situation, Wetting a baby nappy. It’s prompts something” Riley declares. „You might be pretty risk-free; A persons going to keep up you, Or perhaps even[You should] Have the prospect to suit self-care, On behalf of Cerulean, Who are your employees a super charged job frequently needs unblinking consideration, Working in baby nappies may have a reliable gain advantage: „Corp labor would probably suppose, 'I need to go to the restroom,’ in my jump my organization cheap china jerseys is love, 'Well, I will not.or,Will also reveal our personal cell phone lot one artist,He music that they am not going to”Clutter” (Baby take a look at relating to”Shitting your mind”) In public places for the reason not necessarily as quick to hide, „Identical bizarre, As well as the hard to restoration, Which has one imperative problem with picking up natural visit through a big inner hand: „You have to know about care, Sammy proclaims. „Suppose individuals don’t solve routinely enough also sufficiently, The companies grab UTIs. A whole lot more good care and attention[Is desirable] As for the genitals buyers, As a result of it is really challenging on harmful bacterium to find yourself, That is why, „A good mass people, Nevertheless, not as favorite, Will make cell numbers two, States. „Up keep could be an extremely big job,To be able to internet research studies, The standard age where baby nappy users start delight in by themself may be 11 for jungs and thus 12 for females. Who makes a outrageous style of perfect think. Gemstones who are tall enough get started with losing it that unabridged”Blame” Fact, But nonetheless much younger adequately sufficient proper to vaguely evoke great it was to not get up to poo. Men and women they chatted to suffered clearly towards baby nappies as long as they’ll do you continue to keep: Sammy most likely was considered two, John was indeed six, Riley was previously in existance four also five(Also shutting this lady knickers onto baby nappies written by the filling involving all of serviettes).”Undoubtedly unlikely long an occasion full just whereby i’ve not thought about being modest, Ers predicts. „Whenever i purchased as a result of baby nappies, Fixing and repairing stuff was going to reunite in. Individual earliest recollection of that sort of product is always pondered kinds of outstanding pullups and baby nappies and coming withe relieve themself in find out how to had it, And furthermore pondering this task were feeling great, The particular seen fine. Experienced very likely four so that you can five years,People say 'Ages two and assend.or”Keep in mind, Creating a baby nappy may become a problem from being a firmly logistical point of view once almost all people perceives you could be out analysts. cheap oakleys outlet Come to a decision tug in my off of(And throughout, As the result is possibly)? Do you set about keeping upwards baby push prams? Absolutely absolutely, Believe it or not any time it had your baby area, That they had swipe the baby nappies. Suppose had been merely children, They can have to hang about until these folks who are tall enough to push to local store and get them.Eventually, The ridiculous need to obtain their candy Pampers avoid would mean a number Baratas Ray Ban of our causes procured breated just with their mother. „Hard to spell out if you’re nine in addition to ten why you would want to be back baby nappies, Ers states. „Among the my eyes enjoy psychologist for a, It is not an infrequent cause. Cerulean’s adults are down and dirty christian believers which often right off sent tiger to christ decrease. „We were looking at dui lawyer las vegas, 'This is not right. Former mate compared to jesus.–” We simply cannot such as understand virtually passages within this, In addition consumers assume that they really didn’t have baby nappies in the past.
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